Hellosaurus BingePass

Hellosaurus BingePass


Incredibly engaging, interactive, and educational, Hellosaurus puts kids ages 2 to 8 in their favorite shows. Featuring popular titles like The Wiggles and Love, Diana, children develop life skills independently and safely by having fun. One borrow gets them all the Hellosaurus they want for 7 days.

Hellosauris is available for streaming only.  To begin, download the Hellosaurus iOS or Android app to your mobile device to play this content. After installing the Hellosaurus app, simply click on the Borrow link (no signup needed).  You will leave hoopla and be securely logged into Hellosaurus to browse as much content as you’d like. To return to Hellosaurus, visit hoopladigital.com and find your borrowed BingePass stored on your “My hoopla” tab, and you can use it to access our partner site for 7 days.

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