Inbetween Book Clubs

The Library offers several exciting book discussion groups for teens in middle- and high school!

Between the Pages Book Chat

So… what have you been reading lately? Teens are welcome to drop by one Wednesday each month to share their thoughts and opinions about the books, manga, and graphic novels they’ve recently read. We welcome a lively and engaging discussion and we ask that participants be respectful of others while they are sharing their opinions. We’ll provide the snacks, you provide the conversation. And who knows, maybe you’ll find your next read!

Breakfast Book Club

Join other teens in 8th grade-12th grade for Breakfast Book Club! Hang out and chat about the book of the month while enjoying some tasty breakfast goodies. While you’re encouraged to read the selected book, you can also chat about other things you’ve read recently. All we ask is that you bring an open mind and your thoughts with you so we can have an engaging discussion! Meetings are held on the 1st Saturday of the month during the school year. Make sure you enter your library card at registration so that we can request a copy of the book of the month for you.

Upcoming Book Discussions for Teens

Wed. Jan. 15
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Between the Pages Book Chat

Drop in after school to chat about great books and earn a small snack!  Participants can read and chat about whatever books they like.

Fri. Feb. 7
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Teen Silent Reading Club

Teens can drop in and enjoy a quiet space to read separately…together! Feel free to bring your own reading materials, or choose something from our shelves. We’ll take 5 minutes at the start to chat about what we’re reading (for whoever wants to), then dive in and read and relax.

Wed. Feb. 12
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Between the Pages Book Chat

Drop in after school to chat about great books and earn a small snack!  Participants can read and chat about whatever books they like.

Wed. Mar. 12
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Between the Pages Book Chat

Drop in after school to chat about great books and earn a small snack!  Participants can read and chat about whatever books they like.