Your Library card is the most valuable card in your wallet and it is FREE! You may use it in Mahwah and any of the 78 BCCLS member libraries, and online to access your account, download eBooks and more, and use online research databases.
Who Can Get a Library Card
- All residents of Mahwah are eligible for a FREE Mahwah Public Library card.
- Anyone who works or attends school in Mahwah is eligible for a FREE limited-use courtesy card.*
- Individuals who live outside Mahwah may purchase a limited-use paid card for $100 per year.*

How to Get a Library Card
Visit us in person with your identification to create an account and start borrowing today. If you can’t visit in person, you can register for a temporary, limited access card online.
Valid ID: Adults may obtain a card by providing a current photo ID, including their name and current street address. Many types of identification that include your current address are acceptable, including the following:
New Jersey Driver’s License or state-issued non-driver identification card.
Payroll stub, bank statement or utility bill issued within the last 30 days that includes full name and address.
Emailed utility bill on your mobile phone from within the last 30 days that includes full name and address.
Library Cards for People Living Outside Mahwah
Members in good standing from all BCCLS libraries are welcome to use our PCs and borrow items. To use our public computers, bring in your BCCLS library card, or ask for a guest pass from a service desk.
Anyone who works or attends school in Mahwah is eligible for a FREE limited-use courtesy card.*
Individuals who live outside Mahwah and are not eligible to receive a card from another BCCLS library may purchase a limited-use paid card for $100. per year.*
We Respect Your Privacy
The information on your record, including what you borrow from the Library, is confidential and is protected by New Jersey statutes (N.J.S.A. 18A:73-43.2) and the Library’s Confidentiality and Privacy Policy.
Important Guidelines
Your Card is Your Responsibility. You are responsible for all materials checked out on your library card and for fines and charges accrued. Read more about our borrowing guidelines and fees.
Lost or Stolen Cards. If your library card is lost or stolen, immediately contact the Library, so that unauthorized use of your card can be prevented.
Change in Address, Phone Number, etc. Please visit the Library with updated identification when there is a change in your name, address, or phone number, so your record is up-to-date.
Moving Out of Town. Please contact the Library to cancel your card.
*Restricted Cards
*Courtesy and Paid Cards. Use of courtesy and paid cards are limited to borrowing selected physical items owned by the Mahwah Public Library only. They may not be used to borrow the Library’s museum passes, items from the Library of Things, online resources, or items from other libraries.